Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Setzephandt House

We've learned that our house has a name. It is called Setzephandt house after the man who built it back in 1880. I know this because Tim Daugherty at Bellevue State Bank told me so. He put me in touch with his cousin, Butch Eggers. He and his wife Carolyn live just across the alley. Butch says their great-grandfather Gustav Setzephandt built the house for himself and his wife Marie. Various members of the family lived there for many generations, including him. He says that after Gustav and Marie died, the house was sold to someone locally. That person divided the house into a duplex. But in doing so, he left many features intact, such as the central stairway and the high ceilings. Sure, we'll have to plow through walls and acoustical tile ceilings to get to them, but it will be worth it. Butch says his mother, and his cousin Tim's mother, have stories and possibly photos from the earlier days of the house. He even said, intiguingly, that he could tell us a story about how the house figured into a love story. I cannot wait!
Come on interest rates, down already!

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